JMC Blog
What you need to know about bookkeeping

This is a detailed list of your customers (debtors) that owe payment(s) to your business. It can be raised at any time to give an clear insight of when payments are due or overdue,

this is especially useful if you just need to nudge them with a gentle reminder for payment. The report can be also formatted to give you information on how much each customer owes you, which customers owe the highest amount and also the longest time period that the payment has been outstanding. You can also locate their credit limits and when the full payment on any account is due. This information is not only beneficial for your own peace of mind but also for your bank manager, especially if you have or are in the process of obtaining a loan. Future payments even if they are debts will affect your credit limit of the business and cashflow forecasts.

You can with an aged debtors Report create filters of different time lists too say 30 days, 60 days and so forth. This is useful when sending polite letters or emails or when to reissue an invoice reminder. For any customer that has gone well over their payment due date and beyond, it may be time to consider small claims court or a third party debt collection service.

So to summarise an aged debtors report outlines three things: Which debtors owe your company money. How much each debtor owe. When customers are due to complete their payment.